Behringer Cx 2300 Crossover Manual


7SUPER-X PRO CX23102. CONTROL ELEMENTS1INPUT control. This control adjusts the input gain over the range from -12 to +12 dB.2LOW CUT switch. This switch activates the 25 Hz high-pass filter. It has a side gradient of 12 dB/octaveand is used to protect your bass loudspeaker.3LOW/HIGH XOVER FREQ.

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This control governs the crossover frequency between the low andhigh bands.4LOW OUTPUT control. Controls the output level of the low band over the range from -6 to +6 dB.5LOW PHASE INVERT switch.

This switch reverses the polarity of the low output.6LOW MUTE switch. This is used to mute the low band.7HIGH OUTPUT control. This controls the output level of the high band over the range from -6 to +6 dB.8HIGH PHASE INVERT switch.

Behringer Cx2300 Crossover Manual Download

This switch reverses the polarity of the high output.9HIGH MUTE switch. This is used to mute the high band.10XOVER FREQ. This control governs the crossover frequency between the low signal and thesubwoofer signal (10 to 235 Hz).11GAIN control. This is used to set the subwoofer output volume at the SUBW. OUT output.12PHASE INVERT switch. This switch reverses the polarity of the subwoofer output signal.13MUTE switch.

This mutes the subwoofer output signal.Fig. 2.2: Active control elements and connections on the rear panel of the SUPER-X PRO instereo 2-way operation with separate subwoofer signal1HIGH OUTPUT connectors. These are the balanced XLR connectors for the high band output signal.2LOW OUTPUT connectors. These are the balanced XLR connectors for the low band output signal.3XOVER FREQ. These switches are used to switch between the control ranges on the frontpanel LOW/HIGH XOVER FREQ.

The range is either 44 to 930 Hz or 440 Hz to 9.3 kHz.4INPUT connectors. These are the balanced XLR connectors for the input signal.5MODE switch.

In stereo 2-way operation the switch must be depressed. Please refer to the text on therear panel of the equipment.+Never activate the MODE and XOVER FREQ. Switches without having first switched off theequipment. Switching between these while the equipment is in use produces heavy interferencenoise which could damage the loudspeakers or the system.6SUBW. OUT connector. This is the balanced XLR output for the mono subwoofer signal. This signal isconstant in mono and stereo mode and provides an additional means of providing 2- and 3-way operation(see chapter 3.5).7IEC-RECEPTACLE.

This is the mains connection of the SUPER-X PRO. A suitable mains cable isincluded with the equipment.8FUSE HOLDER /VOLTAGE SELECTOR. Before connecting the equipment to the mains supply, pleasecheck that the voltage display conforms with your mains voltage supply. When replacing the fuse, makesure you use another one of the same type. With many units the fuse holder can be set in one of twopositions, in order to switch between 230 V and 115 V.

Please note: if you wish to operate a unit outsideEurope, then a stronger fuse must be used.9SERIAL NUMBER. Please take the time to complete and return the warranty card within 14 days of thedate of purchase, otherwise you will lose the right to the extended warranty.

InstructionsBehringer Cx 2300 Crossover Manual

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