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WelcomeOur research group uses a combination of interdisciplinary approaches including synthetic biology, systems biology, microbiology, synthetic chemistry, and nanoengineering to address the key global challenge involving antimicrobial resistance. We aim at developing strategies for rationally engineering next-generation smart antimicrobials that can eliminate multi-drug resistant superbugs, with the ultimate goal of creating therapies that can evade evolution of drug-resistance in microbes. To this end, we are also interested in investigating the non-genetic mechanisms responsible for antimicrobial tolerance/resistance to devise strategies that can one day prevent evolution of drug resistance. Using synthetic biology tools we are also interested in designing, constructing and engineering modular synthetic genetic devices based on less-explored naturally occurring mechanisms, for both understanding fundamentally how nature works as well as built devices for potential biotechnological applications. CU Engineering features Chatterjee Lab. By Chase Purdy, QuartzFor years, scientists at the University of Colorado have sought to defuse the destructive powers of a pernicious bacteria that often sneaks into the human body through tainted food. Turns out, one of the most effective ways to beat E. Coli is to sow chaos.

By, University of Colorado press releaseA genetic disruption strategy developed by University of Colorado Boulder researchers effectively stymies the evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as E. Coli, giving scientists a crucial leg up in the ongoing battle against deadly, Denver Post and Boulder Daily CameraKryptonite for superbugs could be on the horizon, as a result of research led by University of Colorado researchers that hinders the progress of antibiotic-resistant superbugs such as E.coli. Anushree speaks at the Institute of Systems Biology's Future of Health Symposium. Lab Research Featured by HamodiaA WATERSHED IN RESEARCH STUDIESTrailblazing research studies of diverse approaches, recently published in peer-reviewed science journals, are poised to combat antibiotic resistance. Hamodia interviewed these leading researchers, each at the helm of his study. Assistant Professors Prashant Nagpal and Anushree Chatterjee of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering in the University of Colorado Boulder, whose studies were published in the science journals Nature Materials and Science Advances. “Our approach is a two-pronged strategy to fight antibiotic-drug resistance. Boulder, Colorado —Light-activated nanoparticles, also known as quantum dots, can provide a crucial boost in effectiveness for antibiotic treatments used to combat drug-resistant superbugs such as E. Coli and Salmonella, new CU Boulder research shows.Todd Neff for UC Health- DENVER, CO.

Science can border on science fiction. Designing swarms of infinitesimal semiconductors that, shined with green light, turn standard oxygen into a superoxide that makes life hell for drug-resistant bacteria – that qualifies. Boulder, Colorado — Scientists have been creating antibiotics to kill deadly bacteria for nearly 80 years. Unfortunately, the bacteria that cause disease can adapt so quickly, some have evolved into superbugs that are resistant to all antibiotics, and making new drugs is a long, expensive, involved process.In the ever-escalating evolutionary battle with drug-resistant bacteria, humans may soon have a leg up thanks to adaptive, light-activated nanotherapy developed by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder.Antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as Salmonella, E. Coli and Staphylococcus infect some 2 million people and kill at least 23,000 people in the United States each year.

Lab recieves NIH Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID) contract for studying efficacy of QD antibiotics in animal models. Super FAST response to disease outbreaks:. Toni and Nolan's paper on published in ACS Synthetic Biology. Lab receives a $2.25M led by the. Lab receives funding from Vastbiome Inc. To study gut bacteria. Anushree recieves Provost Faculty Achievement Award.

Lab issued two patents: and. Tom's paper on ',' published in ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. Dr. Sadhana Sharma joins lab as a research assistant professor/senior postodoctoral fellow. Welcome!. Two of Max's papers published. Paper published in Angewandte Chemie and in ACS Biomaterials and Engineering!. Anushree receives Outstanding Junior Faculty Award from ChBE!.

ARMOR program in full flow! Read more:. Congrats to high school student Anudeep Golla for winning 2nd out of around 60 projects in Computational Biology catgory at ISEF! He won $$ and was chosen to have an asteroid named after him!. Antimicrobial Resistance Mediation OutReach (ARMOR) Program CU Boulder Chapter official website launched!

Check out our outreach events!. Lab undergraduate researcher Vismaya Bachu wins Silver Medal Award from the College of Engineering! Congratulations!!:) Vismaya will be heading to Johns Hopkins medical school this fall.

REU student Suxuen Yew from Kansas University joins lab for summer research. Welcome!.

New Postdoc Job posting:. Lab receives funding from and!. Anushree wins Lab Venture challenge award for developing novel nucleic acid therapies against Multi-drug resistant bacteria. Lab develops a.: CU Science Buffs blog about CHAOS Therapy.

CHAOS paper receives significant media press:, and. Toni successfully defends his Ph. And becomes Dr. Many congratulations!!. Peter's paper ' published in Frontiers in Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Congrats!.

Peter successfully defends his Ph. And becomes Dr. Peter Otoupal! Peter will move on to his new post-doc position at Sandia National Lab starting in August.

Many congratulations Peter!. Peter's paper ' is published in Nature Communications Biology! Congrats!. Anushree nominated as 'Rising Stars' by the journal Frontiers of Chemistry!.

Peter wins Excellence in Graduate student research award from ChBE department. Congrats!. Will Cordell wins Marilyn and Howard L. Anseth Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award and Outstanding Undergraduate Research Awards ‐Gold medal. Congrats!. Kristen and Tom recieve NSF GRFP Honorable mentions.

Congrats!. Anushree receives ACS Infectious Diseases Young Investigator Award!. Anushree becomes Associate Editor of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. BBC features our Quantum dot antibiotic research!. Tom's paper' published in Journal of Virology.

Congrats Tom!. Tom's paper ' is published in Frontiers in Microbiology.

Congrats Tom!. University of Colorado Health features our research to combat antibiotic resistance!.

Peter wins third place in Stars symposium. Congrats!. Lee's paper on ' published in JACS.

Congratulations!. Keesha's paper on ' published in ACS Syn Bio. Congratulations!. Our potentiating antibiotics paper in Science Advances receives press coverage including.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. Colleen's paper on ' published in Science Advances. Congratulations!.

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Sepideh's paper ' published in ACS Nano. Congratulations!. Colleen moves on to her new post-doc position at Sandia National Lab at Livermore. Congratulations and all the best!. Anushree receives grant funding from National Science Foundation!. Colleen successfully defends her Ph.D., and becomes Dr.

Congratulations!!. Colleen recieves Max Peters Outstanding Graduate Student Award.

Congratulations!. Keesha successfully defends her Ph.D.

And becomes Dr. Keesha moves on to pursue postdoctoral research at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Congratulations and all the best!!. Anushree recieves DARPA Young Faculty Award!.

Lee wins. Congratulations!. Keesha's paper on ' ”published in mSphere. Congrats!. Voice of America features our Quantum Dot Antibiotic work in article, '. Colleen won 2nd place at the 9th Annual Bionanotechnology Graduate Student Award Session at AIChE. Her award talk was titled “Photoexcited Quantum Dots Potentiate Antibiotic Activity in Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria”.

Congrats Colleen!. Lee's paper titled ' published in Small. Congrats Lee!. Colleen wins Best Poster Award from the Biochemical Engineering Journaland the AIChE Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Division for her work titled, 'Sequence Specific Antisense Inhibitors of Non-Traditional Antibiotic Pathways.' Congrats Colleen!. Anushree recognized as one of the most highly prolific authors for!. Sam Goodman defends his Ph.D.

And moves on to a postdoctoral fellow position at the National Academy of Sciences. Congrats Sam!. Peter's paper on ' is published in ACS Synthetic Biology. Congrats Peter!. Lab's Quantum dot antibiotic research featured by reporter Shelley Schlender on 88.5 FM KGNU Science Show 'How on Earth.' See. Hear.

Toni's paper on ' is published in ACS Synthetic Biology. Congrats Toni!. Quantum dot antibiotic work highlighted in MRS Bulletin!. See.

Quantum dot antibiotic work featured in France's Tech 24 TV show!. See.

Vismaya and Pallavi recieve UROP awards to pursue research. Congrats!. Keesha recieves NSF-EAPSI Fellowship to conduct collaborative research. Congrats Keesha!. Lee recieves GAANN fellowship. Congrats!. Our Light Activated Nanotherapy featured in ABC's Denver Channel 7 News!.

Sepideh and Sajida join lab as postdoctoral fellows. Welcome!. New graduate students Lee, Partha join Chatterjee Lab. Welcome!. Keesha wins Dean's Graduate Student Research Grant for discovery of novel drug targets for treating MDR infections.

Congrats!. Anushree presents five talks on synthetic biology, antimicrobial adaptive resistance, and strategies for novel therapeutics for MDR bacterial infections at AIChE 2015 conference. Our paper featured in the!

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