Save Game Diablo 2 Median 2008


Dominos9189 wrote:I appreciate the step by step guide to the installation! However, I am running into a rather annoying issue.

The game boots fine and runs fine but occasionally when I exit the game, I get an error saying Plugy cannot create the extended stash file or Plugy cannot create the shared stash file. Every time this happens, my personal (beyond page 1) or shared stash gets deleted, respectively, depending on the error I get. This does not happen every time, however, I can sometimes go hours without it happening. I realize I can back up my character saves and just copy over them whenever this happens and get my stuff back, however I'd lose any progress I made since I last backed it up, not to mention it would be obnoxious to back up every 10-20 mins.Check to see if something may have happened to the PlugY.ini file inside your C:Diablo IIMODSD2SE - Median XL. Open it up in notepad and take a look at the lines that look like thisSAVEPATHActiveSavePathChange=0SavePath=SaveMod PlugYThis is how my save file is configured. I have seen for some that changing the value from 0 to 1 can help in this type of situation.If this does not work I would suggest to see if your save file is corrupt. Change the value back to 0 and delete your LODSharedStashSave file in the C:Diablo IIMODSD2SE - Median XL directory and try out a new save a few times.

Open up a game save some items in separate stash tabs and relog a few times. Edit: you probably want to back up the save file first!

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Median Xl Sigma Save Files

PSA: I lost all stashes except one on my only character on SP. And im now probably gonna quiting the game (unless someone pm me stash with some basic cube reagent stuff with barb's set at least)Software used:1. D2stas ReaderI got warning, unable to create extended save stash / files (this usually only happened if you played tcp/ip game on non plugy host / client cant remember) and all gone without backup.One of the mistake was I didnt use shared stash to store most of my stuff and I didnt use kambala's tools much before this (since it can create backup / snapshots of your build / stash)So, see ya all.Im losing my mood to finish my guide now.EDITED:I dunno if Median 2017 save files limit have anything to do with it or not. But i do recommend to store all your stuff in shared stash and backup regularly (regardless you going clean or not with it).

Save game diablo 2 median 2008 full

Dominos9189 wrote:Thanks for the info! I changed the save path to 1. Hopefully it won't happen again.

I'll give an update soon either way.Update: So, it worked all day today just fine, but then decided to act up again 'Could not create extended stash file'. Ended up losing all my stuff on my personal stash after page 1. Wtf is with this.I would still check to see if your save file is corrupt.

Try deleting it and having PlugY remake it when you open a new game. Also, try checking the permissions on the LODSharedStashSave.sss file. Make sure you have full control and is not set as 'Read-only'. Not impress about the new patch. My secound try i make it work, now the problem it run with out PlugY and it's very laggy and frame can't follow, what make insane lag. After checking this forum,it seems all got same kind of problem,for few people it work after first time install.have try the game 5 time since secound patch.

BrotherLaz, since i got problem with all install guide, last patch i make work after my own install way.but seems not work here. Means i allready give up on patch 2017 v003, that's real sad. Worst is, it's like diablo 3 season. Start all over. Old work waist.

Re: Constant 'Failed to join game'Yeah, almost every other game i make or join is a fail. I stopped playing d2 in full, 2 years ago when i bought guildwars but ive been on d2 anough to keep all my charas from 2002 till now up and alive, i come back in full force 2 years later and theres nothing but wild fails and lag and all kinds of annoying stuff.

Game is still good tho, i love how it has never changed since i left, because i think 1.11b was already out in march 2006 when i got guildwars so basically the game hasn't changed one bit. Cept for more game fails what is with it man.

Re: Constant 'Failed to join game'I've been getting the same issue as well. If I join OR create a game, I get 'failed to join game.' It'll start in the middle of a game, where it'll suddenly disconnect me. Everyone stops moving and monsters run in place. The failed to join game errors will persist for an hour. If I stop playing and just come back later it'll work fine. I tried waiting a few seconds before I make/join games.

I restarted the client too; None of it worked.It can't be my firewall. This was never an issue the last time I played before the patch with the exact same firewall/connection/computer/everything (8 months ago?).I'll give Trueblood's suggestion a shot.edit: I LITERALLY typed in the game name/pass, then posted this just to test the 'wait' fix. (It was about one minute).

When I came back in, my character was reversed 2 minutes from what I was doing before the disconnect. I was in the middle of meph runs, thank god nothing rare dropped.:/. Re: Constant 'Failed to join game'Infuriating state of play.I run through the full length of the Flayer jungle from the waypoint till just short of lower Kurast wp - rollbackI run from Pandemonium fortress through to Izual then onto City of the Damned wp - rollback losing wp and thul dropped by IzzyI run from Tundra through to and despatch ancients without taking wp then onto wsk 3 - rollback losing wsk wp and gear.I know the answer is to exit and rejoin on taking wps and finding good gear but is the rest of the ladder season going to be like this?:banghead.