Auto Tool Minecraft Code


What is MCBuild? MCBuild is a custom Minecraft client with advanced auto-building functions and some other nice features. Given a build specification and an amount of building materials available in your inventory it can automatically place blocks for you. The auto-building function can be used for mundane building tasks, like filling holes with dirt, or covering roofs with slabs.

  1. Thebombzen Api 1.12.2 Curseforge

It can be used for building simple parametric shapes, e.g. Floors, walls, rings, spheres.

But it also can be used for building complex projects and even redstone mechanisms. It can directly load and export.schematic format and a couple of others, and also import PNG files as pixel art. MCBuild is suitable for both survival and creative mode, but works in multiplayer only.

It works with Anticheat. MCBuild is a free and open source software under GPL2 license. The sources are available from Github. MCBuild uses a somewhat unconventional approach.

You see, although it can be considered a 'custom client', it's not exactly a stand-alone client like various 'hacked clients' you see around. Neither is it a mod. Instead, it's a separately running application that works as a proxy for the MC protocol. When launched, it creates a kind of a local Minecraft server. You connect to it with your normal Minecraft client and MCBuild connects further to the remote server. Now it sits between your client and the server and by default transparently forwards traffic like a proxy.

When some of its functions are active, it will modify the MC protocol traffic, inserting, modifying or dropping messages as needed. The advantage of this method is - you don't need to abandon your client, or install any mods for it, or require anything special from the server. Any client running 1.8.x/1.9 protocol with any mods is compatible with MCBuild, as well as any 1.8.x/1.9 server. MCBuild has been tested with vanilla and various hacked clients (Huzuni, Wurst, Wolfram, etc.) and with various servers (vanilla, Spigot, PaperSpigot, etc.).

What functions does it provide? MCBuild's main purpose is auto-building, but it has a couple of other functions, some of them are well known from other hacked clients and mods. They are probably no match to other clients when it comes to hacking or cheats, I merely added them for my own convenience, but then - you can use any client with MCBuild, so the functions can complement each other. Some functions are: Kill Aura, Auto-Shear, Anti-AFK, Auto-Grind, Hole Radar, Align, etc.

Bump for an update - version 1.0.1 for MC1.8 is released that fixes an issue introduced by Mojang's recent upgrade. Shortly after 1.9 was released, Mojang also upgraded their launcher to 1.6.61, which broke a few things. Although the new launcher is primarily required for MC1.9, it affects MC1.8 as well. If you're installing it from scratch - grab the v1.0.1. If you've installed v1.0 previously, you can upgrade it, however you need to do a few things:. you need to install an additional JSON library for Cygwin.

For this, download the Cygwin installer from, start it and when you get to the package selection screen, find exactly this package: Libs/libjson-c-devel (easiest way is to enter libjson-c-devel in the search box) and select it for installation. This procedure will also update your Cygwin installation to the newest version. Get rid of the old libraries patched by v1.0. If you have the newest Minecraft Launcher (1.6.61), no need to worry about - it will fix the things automatically. If not - update your MC launcher, or run mcbremove script (now obsolete in MCBuild 1.0.1). Run mcbupdate to update and rebuild MCBuild to the newest version. Also: I started the development of the next MCBuild version for MC1.9 - expect it in a few days.

So I've almost got it working, but I keep coming across an error. Everytime I try connecting to a server, it just gives me the following: I'm using 1.8 trying to connect to a 1.8 server. Also I noticed on the top it says 'MCBuild 1.1 for MC Protocol 1.9' Cannot open file bases.txt for reading: No such file or directory Cannot open file players.txt for reading: No such file or directory assertion 'key. So I've almost got it working, but I keep coming across an error. Everytime I try connecting to a server, it just gives me the following: I'm using 1.8 trying to connect to a 1.8 server. Also I noticed on the top it says 'MCBuild 1.1 for MC Protocol 1.9' I recently switched the master branch to MC1.9 protocol. You can switch it to MC1.8 however, using: mcbupdate 1.8 Or, if you're using git directly: git checkout release1.8 But if there's still an error, I'll try to investigate - does it happen with any 1.8 server or something specific?

EDIT: Sorry, my bad. Looks like updating directly from the prebuilt package requires a bit more steps.


I uploaded a new version of the package that should fix these issues. Quote from Amazing! Must have been quite a challenge to write! I assume you have a CS background?


Works as advertised on my Linux machine! Thank you for trying it out! I do have a CS degree, but I think no college course can replace a 100% privately made project where you have to set your own goals and search for your own mistakes. It's been a challenge, but I got a lot of fun and experience working on it. Also it wouldn't be possible without all the information on Minecraft protocol and data formats people painstakingly collected on the Internet. Do you have any hints on how to read the source code? Where to start for example?

Minecraft tool names

Sure, I can give you a quick run walk-through on modules: First thing to consider is libhelper - which is a separate project, a collection of useful functions and macros that is used heavily in MCBuild. Within MCBuild project, there are several modules: Modules handling minecraft-specific data types: mcptypes: definitions of various data types used in the Minecraft protocol, such as coordinates, etc nbt: NBT parser/writer slot: inventory slots data type and handling functions entity: entities (mobs and other non-block objects) Various helper modules: mcpids: tables and constants of various IDs, including packet IDs, block/item IDs, etc. Functions to convert ID to name and vv, and what's important for the building - tables and routines to rotate block meta values. Mcparg: commandline parsing in the build commands Minecraft protocol: mcppacket: MC protocol packet decoding/encoding - parses the protocol stream to MCPacket structs Game: mcpgamestate: a module that collects game information passively, such as block data, entities state, inventory state, etc. Mcpgame: various client functions except building (this is delegated to separate mcpbuild module), such as kill aura, hole radar, autoshear, etc. Building: mcbbuild: building functions mcbbplan: functions to create and manipulate buildplans Main application: mcproxy: MCBuild main application, handles connection establishment, authentication, encryption and the main loop that pumps MC protocol packets between client and server mcpdump: Additional tool to analyse.mcs files recorded by MCBuild (they are placed in the saved/ directory) - poorly documented at the moment The flow of traffic is as follows:. mcproxy takes care of incoming connections, authenticates against the server, and starts pumping messages until connection closes.

When a new message comes in, it tries to decode it using mcppacket module and gets an MCPacket object. This object is then passed to mcpgamestate module to update the passive state - e.g. It stores chunk, entity, inventory changes without affecting these messages in any way. Then the same packet is passed to mcpgame module, which can actively react on it, triggering certain funtions.

One thing mcpgame handles are the chat messages from the client, that are interpreted as commands if they start with '#'. Commands that start with '#build' are passed to mcpbuild module, which handles build-specific commands. Mcpbuild uses mcpbplan module to create and manipulate buildplans - blueprints for the buildings basically. Mcpbuild also uses mcparg to parse it's more complex commandline arguments. If a command is requested, it either performs some action immediately, or defers it to asynchronous execution (which includes things like building, kill aura etc.).

After the packets is processed by these modules it is by default forwarded further, or it can be dropped or modified. After the packet processing is complete, asynchronous functions can be called in the mcpgame or mcpbuild modules. At low level, the modules use various data formats and functions to handle these from modules mcptypes, mcpids, nbt, slot, entity. I am very excited to use MCBuild, but I can't get it to work properly on my server.

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Thebombzen Api 1.12.2 Curseforge

I run and manage my own server on the same computer I play on, which, at the time of this post, is on minecraft version 1.10.2. I installed cygwin, followed the procedure outlined in the documentation, but am confused as to what to put in for the server address. When I connect to my server normally, I just type localhost in the address bar. I tried putting both localhost, and my ipv4 address into the command line, both to no avail.

What should I put in instead? Thanks in advance! EDIT: I have now included a screenshot of my noip address attempt. I also tried my number (not pictured) but it had the same effect. Hopefully the image will be of use.

In your case, MCBuild complains that it can't open the socket - address is in use. MCBuild opens a socket on localhost:25565 and my guess you're running a minecraft server on the same machine, so the port is occupied. Very simple: run MCBuild on a different port, using: mcbstart -b 20000 This will make MCBuild use port 20000 instead. In your Minecraft client you will also need to adjust the address to to which you connect. The server name as argument is the address of the server you want to connect. I'm guessing you want to try it on your own local server - then you should put in localhost or