Jordan Belfort Straight Line Download


Let’s talk about the elephant in the room:Yes, I admit it: I made too much money too fast. With this proven persuasion system, I pulled in hundreds of millions of dollars.

Jordan Belfort Straight Line Download

It happened so quickly that I started to lose my way.Yes, I taught this system to guys and girls off the street with no special sales skills or talents.And nearly every single one of them used this very same formula to make way too much money, way too fast, and way too easily.Yes, mistakes were made. If you saw The Wolf of Wall Street starring Leonardo DiCaprio (the blockbuster movie based on my life) or read one of my best-selling books then you know what I’m talking about.So before we go any further, here is my simple warning: The skills I’m about to teach you can be used for good or evil.

There’s nothing wrong with making tons of money. In fact, I’m all for it!But you must take a vow to use these tactics at the highest ethical level, with the utmost integrity. Now here is The Single Biggest Secret To Getting Everything You Want Out Of Life. Want to know the real reason I made so much money and so quickly?It’s not because I was the best stockbroker or the hardest worker.And it’s not because I stepped on the wrong side of the rules a few times.No. The reason I achieved such mind-blowing success is because I made myself an expert at one very specific skill: Getting people to say “Yes.”Listen, I’ve been a paper boy. A stock broker.

I sold ice cream on the beach. I started my own company delivering meat to restaurants. In total, I’ve started over 30 companies from scratch and grew almost every single one of them into million-dollar businesses.

It made no difference what field I was in or what title I held. The key to my astounding success is my ability to PERSUADE. My ability to get the other guy to say “Yes!”You might not realize it yet, but your success in any field or any endeavor hinges on your ability to get people to say “yes.” This is true whether you are in sales or not.

Jordan Belfort Course Review

In fact, let me make a bold claim: Show me any successful entrepreneur, business owner, doctor, teacher, preacher or student and I can make them 10x MORE successful just by teaching them a few a simple persuasion secrets.That’s why I often say persuasion is the world’s most valuable skill. Bad news for them. And an open door for you. Because if you’ll give me 30 days, I’ll show you a faster and easier way to get everything you want out of life – be it wealth, power, prestige, respect or whatever is important to you – with the very same persuasion system I used to create a massive fortune.Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying you can snap your fingers and money will magically fall into your lap.

Success happens in direct relation to your dedication.You’ve got to put in the time and the effort. But what if you could get 10x better results with the same amount of time and effort you’re already investing? That’s the power of persuasion.Look: If you walked into my firm back in the 80’s and managed to get yourself 0003a job, there’s a good chance I’d have turned you into a millionaire within 000324 months.That’s not bragging, it’s just the truth.Each and every one of the first 1,000 brokers we hired became million dollar producers. We were taking kids off the street – barely old enough to shave – and turning them into masters of persuasion.Sure, they worked hard. They put in the time. But they didn’t get rich simply because they were hard workers.

Lots of people work hard their whole lives and die with nothing. These difference is, these guys learned a secret. The secret was my “persuasion playbook.”An easy-to-follow, step-by-step system that shows you how to get the other person to say “yes.” If you could read and follow simple instructions, you could use this proven system to almost instantly boost your persuasion skills. If you think persuasion is a skill just for sales pros, think again:Persuasion is the ultimate “difference maker.”Compare any two people in any field and the better persuader will always be more successful.What is the difference between a coach who gets the most out of his athletes and a coach who never quite gets to the top of the mountain? Racing games for pentium 3.

Persuasion.What is the difference between the entrepreneur who’s ideas die unfilled, and an entrepreneur who seems to have a Midas touch? Persuasion.What is the difference between a yoga teacher who’s barely making rent and the yoga teacher with a six month wait list? Chances are both teachers know the same poses. The difference is Persuasion.There’s a Wall Street saying that a “rising tide lifts all boats.” Persuasion is like the rising tide. Elevate your persuasion skills and it automatically improves every other facet in your life. So no matter who you are or what you do, persuasion is the keystone to success.

How I Discovered The “Straight Line Secret”Back in the 80’s, when I was at the helm of one of the most successful sales organizations in Wall Street history, I had a problem. I had to figure out a fast and effective way to teach my proven persuasion system to non-sales people. Regular guys and girls off the street with no previous experience or talent.And that’s where the Straight Line System was born. I discovered that every conversation, every sales call, every interaction between two humans followed the same basic pattern:A straight line.The Straight Line System shows you the proven path to getting from “hello?” to “Yes!”I perfected the system on Wall Street, but it’s not just for sales people. Anyone and everyone can benefit from improved persuasion skills. Especially entrepreneurs, marketers and small business ownersAttention Entrepreneurs, marketers and small business owners How Hearing “Yes” Just 25% More Often Can DOUBLE The Size Of Your Bank AccountYou may already know there’s only 3 ways to grow a business.A) Get more new customersB) Get customer to spend more moneyC) Get customers to buy from you more oftenThat’s it – those are the only 3 ways to grow a business and make more money.

But what you may not know is that improving your persuasion skills by just 25% across the board can make you extremely rich.Let me show you:Let’s assume you have a business or you consult with a business that gets an average of 1,000 new customers a year. Assume each customer spends an average of $120 bucks every time they buy, and that they buy 3 times a year.You’re looking at an average revenue of $360,000. But we can do better.Let’s take a look at what happens once you apply your new-found powers of persuasion to this business. Let’s pretend that you ONLY increase each area by a very modest 25%. (I’m being extremely conservative with these numbers – many of my students see an instant 100 – 200% improvement right out of the gate).Don’t look now, but we nearly DOUBLED our cash just by improving persuasion skills by a mere 25%. That’s why I say persuasion is the world’s most valuable skill. If you want more clients, more customers and more money then the single fastest way to get there is to improve your persuasion skills.My Straight Line System teaches you my simple system for getting more “YESes!” And it works across all forms of communication: In person, over the phone, on the web, and more.In the past, I guarded this proven system like rare diamonds.

Nobody saw them outside of my handpicked team of stockbrokers and sales professionals. But now I’m making my system available to motivated people beyond Wall Street who want to improve their persuasion skills FAST. The Straight Line System Fast Track course is an online training course. Using videos, action-plans, worksheets and other proven tools, I’ll take you under my wing and show you my secrets to ethical persuasion.This system was born, battle-tested and perfected on Wall Street. This is the “playbook” used to teach clueless kids off the street my personal brand of persuasion.

Jordan Belfort Straight Line Download

This is my proven system for getting the other person to say “yes” – and feel great about their decision! With this easy-to-follow system, you can. Double or even triple your sales closing rates. Negotiate the best deals possible and have the other guy THANKING you once the deal is done. Boost your business by winning more customers and getting your current customers to say “yes” more often.

Rack up “minor victories” throughout the day: Talk your way out of a speeding ticket, get your kids to happily eat their vegetables, score a date with that girl who shoots everybody else downand more.Best of all, this course is designed for SPEED. I can’t promise to make you a “master of persuasion” in just 30 days. However because persuasion is such a rare skill set, improving your skills by just a small amount will pay MASSIVE dividends.That’s what I call the “Good Enough” factor. You don’t have to become a guru of persuasion to reap the benefits. You’ve heard the saying, “In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king?”When it comes to the science of persuasion, most people are blind, deaf and dumb!

So just by implementing a few simple rules into your everyday life, you will immediately harness an unfair advantage over everyone else around you. “Sell Me This Pen”It’s a simple challenge, and yet the task trips up even veteran sales closers. But make no mistake about it: Once you understand the hidden patterns lurking beneath the surface of ANY interaction, you can sell a pen, an idea, an e-book, a houseanything you want.The rules of selling are the same no matter what the product or service. And the first rule is simple: You’ve Got 4 SecondsMost people commit a fatal, deal-killing error right out of the gate. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling over the phone, face-to-face or with a website on the internet: You’ve got about 4 seconds (or less) to grab your prospect’s attention and set the stage for “yes.”This is even more important in the digital age. Your average web visitor has the attention span of a goldfish – just begging you to screw up in those first seconds so they can click away.If you’re an entrepreneur, an internet marketer, or a college kid sending an email to a recruiter your success hinges on your ability to “sell” in those first 4 seconds. Screw it up and you’re dead in the water.

But if you can nail the opener, if you can win the battle for your prospect’s attention, then you too can sell anything to nearly anyone.In The Straight Line System Fast Track Course™ I’ll show you how to master the first four seconds over the phone, face-to-face and on the web. And that’s just the beginning. Ever heard the story of Jim Koch, the founder of Sam Adams Beer?

(which by the way, is now a BILLION dollar company.)When he was first starting out, his Uncle (an investor in the company and a savvy business pro himself) dropped by the office unannounced and inquired what Jim planned to do that day.Jim rattled off a few things on his to-do list and added “And I need to go buy a computer.”His uncle stormed, “You don’t need a computer you need a customer!”And he made Jim put on a tie and go door-to-door to every bar until he made at least one sale.Jim took the lesson to heart and decided to work as long as he had to every day to get at least one new sale. The true story of how I quadrupled my income as a boy with a newspaper route. This was my first sales FAILURE until a grizzled sales pro taught me the “sifting secret.”. The Dark Side of Persuasion: Why it’s crucial this information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands, and a first-person account of what can go wrong when it does. (If nothing else, you should arm yourself with this knowledge to protect yourself from other people using these persuasion secrets on YOU.). The 4-second Persuasion Fix: How you can instantly boost the odds in your favor by changing the way you approach the first four seconds of any interaction – in person, over the phone or on the web. The “Good Enough” Factor: Why improving your persuasion skills by just 2% can make the world your oyster, and what to leverage for the fastest results.

The survival mechanism part of your prospect’s “caveman brain” that makes most people want to immediately say “no.” And my proven opener that instantly switches off the fear response and gets anyone to open-up and welcome you as a trusted adviser. The single strongest strategy for moving your prospect from “maybe” to “yes.” If you learn NOTHING else, this tip alone can dramatically improve your income and success. Why trying to build “rapport” is killing your results, and how you can instantly improve your success rates by doing the exact opposite of what most sales “gurus” teach.

How changing the way you stand in face-to-face meetings can instantly boost your persuasion success. (Hint: You need to alter your stance depending on whether you’re speaking to a man or a woman.). Why the traditional rule of eye-contact makes you look like a psychopath and what to do instead. Why the traditional rule of eye-contact makes you look like a psychopath and what to do instead. Why the mind requires both a logical AND an emotional reason for doing anything.

And which reason you should focus on FIRST. (Get this wrong and you’ll constantly hear “sounds great, but I gotta think about it.”).

The word-for-word script you should use to get your prospect to tell YOU their hot buttons for buying. (Seriously, do NOT re-invent the wheel. Use the script exactly as written.). Why your prospect can go from “hot” to “cold” even if you do nothing wrong and an easy fix that stops this immediately.

Is Straight Line Persuasion worth buying?More than two years ago, I was able to get a job in a Forex company.I had no previous experience in selling. But my cousin knew the managers, and they gave me an opportunity to work there.I went through a two-week training and started working.The salary was great and you get bonuses every time you close a sale.We used to call people from all around the world (except the US) and try to persuade them to invest with us.Cold calling is hard.I used to talk to people with lots of money but I wasn’t an expert in that field.They used to question everything I.