Starcraft 2 Offline Lan Patch


No matter what the lan code will be stolen! Sooner or later for sure, and then a constand hand will start with blizzard making patches that will not allow the old leaked LAN versions to play and the new version will be leaked again and cracked, and the story goes on.this is pathetic! Give me pure offline expearence you morons and stuck LAN and to your.beep.i love them so much but this is geting redeculus after Activition came in! This is the 1st Time Blizzard ananounced a launche date for one of its game so many months before!!!!

Just to get more money from the preorders becuase they now we will buy it! Guess i'll go against the grain. This isn't 1999 any more. The internet is everywhere.


If you can't get 12 computers in a building connected to the internet, you don't deserve to be able to play the game.Anyone notice the piss poor state of PC gaming? Blizzard is the smartest video game company in the world and they make this decision for a reason. Imagine the intense discussion and arguments over disallowing LAN play.I recommend we all admit the beta experience has been amazing for BETA. And the finished product will no doubt be awesome and continue to improve over time.GG. The whole point of LAN play isn't that you cannot connect to the interent, its more the 0 lag and close proximity to your friends while playing that makes it superior to internet gaming. The whole reason tournaments NEED LAN is due to the lag free environment.As a fellow beta tester, even you would have to admit that the lag and frequent drops from patch 12 onwards were horrendous, none of which were fixed in the subsequent patches.

A simple LAN play would fix all this, you are missing the whole point of LAN play.I assume the intense discussion and arguments you mentioned also include the decision not to include features like chat rooms just to make it that much harder to find other people in game? I honestly doubt much thought was put into this and I really am not looking forward to bnet 2.0 if this is the direction it is headed. I live in a small town. Theres no ATT or big cable company here.

The 'high speed' my isp(only isp in town) offers is just over 1 meg. Hook 12+ computers to that and see how well they do. If one guy tabs out to look at a youtube vid the server will explode. ATT says they cover 97% of the USA. Guess im in that unlucky 3% no one gives a shit about. It is like 60% really old ppl in my town that have a hard time getting into solitar or minesweep.I also get 1 bar on my cell phone on a good day. 1/2 the time its seraching for service.

Guess I should move instead of complain about no lan. What is there to say Starcraft 2 sucks. $60 per game times three parts for a whopping $180 dollars. No game is worth that.

I remember when games like Total Annihilation by Cavedog came out with nice games that had open source code and you could create tons of arm and core dudes. Here is Starcraft 2, lame as hell, limited in thought, no lan allowed, expensive.I will never buy any games from Blizzard or their new ally Activision. I will pirate your games and figure ways around your stupid system. You will learn that GREED is not the key to gaming. Driving out your competition until your the only one left is why we are left with crap. Take Microsoft for example.World save your money, do not preorder, and send these clowns a clear message. Follow old school games like Total Annihilation, and boycott blizzard.YOU SUCK.

Starcraft 2 Offline Download

At Gamescom last week Owen managed to grab Heart of the Swarm designer David Kim for an update on how the first StarCraft 2 expansion is coming along. Word is it's very nearly done.

In fact, Kim mentions that it's '99.5 percent done.' The beta is set to arrive 'very soon.' Kim said that Heart of the Swarm's single player campaign will be twenty missions long, which is hefty, but most StarCraft 2 players are waiting to see what impact the new multiplayer units will have on the pro-game.

One much-requested feature that won't make it into the expansion is LAN support. Owen asked Kim why local network support isn't a part of Blizzard's plans for StarCraft.' We're building Starcraft 2 as an online game and so from very early on our focus was making a game that people were connected to,' Kim explained. 'We're building things around the ladder, we're building achievement systems, so our system is about making an online game.' The lack of LAN caused controversy earlier this year at the IPL 4 Vegas tournament when a connection failure stalled the event. A chat started up in the crowd.

'We want LAN! We want LAN!' Of course, parts of StarCraft are playable offline, so a LAN mode isn't a technical impossibility.' It's really just about our philosophy of how we're trying to make the game,' Kim said.

Starcraft 2 Offline Lan Patch Download

'Like you said we do have an offline mode where you can play the campaign mode, where you can play the AI without having to be connected to the internet.' I think moving forward we'll be looking at things like ways where people who are nearer each other can find each other more easily. But that's not necessarily LAN it's just a way of finding people nearer to you.' Get a good look at the expansion's multiplayer units in this.