Portable Prezi


Prezi is a new way of creating presentations, that's essentially one large poster, of which you can only see a portion of it at a time. You can set anchors in different locations, and at different zooms and angles, so that when you run the presentation, the view pans, turns and zooms in the path and sequence that you have set. You can also manually pan, rotate and zoom during a presentation. You can add text, links, images, and possibly video anywhere on the page.It's very cool, but it has complications that make is less than ideal:- It uses Flash, which of course requires that Flash be installed locally.- It has a complicated licensing structure, which does have a free version, but only for Prezis created ONLINE.

Portable Prezi

There are two higher paid tiers, that then will allow you to use the Prezi Desktop app. And everything requires you to register with their websites.There are some open-source alternatives being developed, although I'm not sure how active they are. A few work directly with Inkscape, and the Presentation they create is a big SVG file, so these might be good candidates for PAs.- Sozi- Dizzyand one that was recently started (last month)- AwwationAwwation is also accompanied by a blog that describes making a Prezi clone in javascript, svg and HTML5.

How to Insert your Prezi presentation into a PowerPoint slideFirst, you will need to download a previous version of Prezi Desktop software for PC (we have version 4.2 available to download that works). Prezi Pro account comes with Prezi Desktop software so you can create Prezi presentations on your computer. You can get the software free for 30 days but after that, a subscription to Prezi Pro is required.Also, newer versions of Prezi desktop (including the current version available for download from Prezi.com) and presentations downloaded from Prezi online do not work. The presentation needs to be exported as a portable prezi from an older version of Prezi Desktop. We have found that version 4.2 is compatible and works very well. For this reason, you may need to rebuild your Prezi presentation using Prezi Desktop version 4.2 so that the Prezi will be compatible.When you open Prezi. Do not upgrade Prezi Desktop!


Prezi File Format

Prezi Desktop will automatically check for updates and you will be asked to upgrade, click NO.How it WorksThere are 2 folders in the exported portable presentation that are required for this to work. Newer versions of Prezi don't create these folders. Export a portable presentation, then copy the 2 folders (data and prezi.app) to the same directory that your PowerPoint is saved in.Step by Step Guide for How to insert Prezi into PowerPoint. In Prezi Desktop version 4.2, open your presentation and go to File, Export Portable Prezi. (this will create a Zip file). Extract the Zip file to a new folder. Copy 2 folders 'Data' and 'Prezi.app' and Paste them into the same location that your PowerPoint presentation is saved.

Portable Prezi Presentation

keep in mind that these 2 folders will always have to be kept with your presentation for it to work. If you send someone your presentation without these folders, the Prezi won't work.

In PowerPoint, go to the slide that you want to have a prezi presentation. Go to SlideDynamic Ribbon and click on 'Insert Offline Prezi'. That's it. If the folders are in the right place, a box with an X in it will show up in your slide. That is the inserted Prezi.

You can only play the prezi when you run the PowerPoint slideshow.